
Special weapon. dat under the mod " GET REMOVE 2 WEAPONS, FASTEN UNSCREW THE SILENCER" for GTA San Andreas

Special weapon. dat under the mod  GET REMOVE 2 WEAPONS, FASTEN UNSCREW THE SILENCER for GTA San Andreas
Специальный weapon.dat под мод ДОСТАТЬ УБРАТЬ 2 ОРУЖИЕ, ПРИКРУТИТЬ ОТКРУТИТЬ ГЛУШИТЕЛЬ for GTA San Andreas miniature 1 Специальный weapon.dat под мод ДОСТАТЬ УБРАТЬ 2 ОРУЖИЕ, ПРИКРУТИТЬ ОТКРУТИТЬ ГЛУШИТЕЛЬ for GTA San Andreas miniature 2 Специальный weapon.dat под мод ДОСТАТЬ УБРАТЬ 2 ОРУЖИЕ, ПРИКРУТИТЬ ОТКРУТИТЬ ГЛУШИТЕЛЬ for GTA San Andreas miniature 3 Специальный weapon.dat под мод ДОСТАТЬ УБРАТЬ 2 ОРУЖИЕ, ПРИКРУТИТЬ ОТКРУТИТЬ ГЛУШИТЕЛЬ for GTA San Andreas miniature 4 Специальный weapon.dat под мод ДОСТАТЬ УБРАТЬ 2 ОРУЖИЕ, ПРИКРУТИТЬ ОТКРУТИТЬ ГЛУШИТЕЛЬ for GTA San Andreas miniature 5
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Published on 20 December 2020

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this mod is designed for:
You can use it separately, but then when you reach the last level, you will have 2 weapons in your hands forever.
About fashion:
- pistol, micro-ultrasound, tek-9, sawn-off shotgun-gg holds in two hands until the last level of weapons, then gg gets two barrels in both hands. In the presence of the mod on the link above, the player gets the opportunity to shoot both with one weapon in two hands, and with two in two hands, respectively.
- Animation of the 9mm curve when the GG is aiming (directed not forward, but to the left) fixed
- due to the fact that there are only three levels of possession, and the animation changes on the second one - now the player actually starts from the second level in the listed weapon and gets the third one immediately when reaching the in-game second level. this is done in order to shoot both with one and with two pistols was equally effective. however, it should be borne in mind that the rate of fire of two barrels is still higher.
- You can walk with one copy of the weapon in two hands and shoot at the same time
- The animation of "bouncing" when shooting does not have either a pistol, or an uzi, or a tek9, since for automatic weapons of this caliber it is simply unnecessary
- When installing the mod on the link, a bug persists with the periodic appearance of a second weapon, even if you have removed it
- Weapon skills can be pumped absolutely randomly. For example, if you shoot from an ultrasound, a pistol or m16 can be pumped. apparently, this bug appears due to animation changes - in any case, it does not interfere and only accelerates the acquisition of skills.
- the mod is made for yourself and in a hurry, take this into account when reviewing
- the mod completely replaces weapon. dat, or rather the full characteristics of 9mm, mikrouzi, tek9 and sawn-off shotgun. the changes relate only to the animation of holding in the hands and the speed of fire - the parameters of accuracy, damage and clips are original. initially, i was going to write it by hand, but it is unrealistic to cram it into the installer.
* screen with two weapons if you reach the last level of proficiency and / or with a mod
* edits made by me in the file you can safely see by comparing with the original. copying a whole file is prohibited
* cleo is not required, only when installing the mod above
Author:  sacha_zaharov
Moderators: Vone, lk_1997_kl

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