
Turning a pistol with a silencer into a machine gun with a silencer for GTA San Andreas

Turning a pistol with a silencer into a machine gun with a silencer for GTA San Andreas
Превращение пистолета с глушителем в автомат с глушителем for GTA San Andreas miniature 1 Превращение пистолета с глушителем в автомат с глушителем for GTA San Andreas miniature 2 Превращение пистолета с глушителем в автомат с глушителем for GTA San Andreas miniature 3
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Published on 1 August 2021

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1. Why do I need this mod at all?
The only stealth weapon in the game is a 9mm with a silencer. No matter how I tried , other weapons with this function are not friends, and shooting from hiding with a pistol is not very fun. Therefore, using the weapon.dat file, I simply changed the settings of the pistol to the M16, including its slot. Now this weapon replaces assault rifles, and the set of skills and their pumping are copied from the M16, as well as damage, accuracy, etc. The model is the original game M16, in order to avoid problems with authorship.
Personally, I use this model in the game with these settings -
2. Bugs
- There are no weapon icons (replace the model with any M16 from this site, it will appear)
- GG runs a sprint, holding the M16 in one hand
- The fire does not come out exactly from the muzzle (Fixed by a shortened model of an assault rifle)
At the same time, with the model from the link above , both carrying in one hand looks appropriate, and the fire flies out smoothly.
3. Addons
The use of this modification is absolutely free - any model developer can use these settings in their endeavors.
- This mod corrects 3 lines of weapon. dat, the original file does not replace.
4. Slot weapons and import your models
- In order to import the desired model, you must:
-- Download the archive with the files of any M16 model with a silencer from this site
-- Rename the downloaded files from M16. dff and M16. txd to silenced. dff and silenced. txd
-- Replace the original files in gta3. img
Importing files to an IMG archive:
Using the IMGTool 2.0 or Crazy IMG Editor program, import files from the "To import to gta3.img" folder to the archive Folder with the game-models - gta3. img
IMGTool 2.0 You can download here:
Crazy IMG Editor is here:
- In order to change the weapon slot - open the file folder with the game - data - weapon.dat after installation and replace the number 5 with the desired one in the lines starting with PISTOL_SILENCED before the word "rifle" and "riflebad". For a pistol, this is 2, shotguns-3, uzi, mp5-4, assault rifles-5. It is logical to use this weapon instead of assault rifles, but I personally use shotguns instead of shotguns, I do not use them in the game.
- Stealth continues to work by itself!
Have a nice game!
Author:  sacha_zaharov
Moderators: Vone, ChrisRedfield

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