
GTA V (Version 1) for GTA San Andreas

GTA V (Version 1) for GTA San Andreas
GTA V (1 Version)  miniature 1 GTA V (1 Version)  miniature 2 GTA V (1 Version)  miniature 3 GTA V (1 Version)  miniature 4 GTA V (1 Version)  miniature 5 GTA V (1 Version)  miniature 6
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Published on 28 January 2016

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This pack makes the normal GTA SA GTA V!

Pak made for weaker PC

Features of the Park
New textures
New machines
New weapons
New graphics
Fixes for games
Works in SAMP (verified by the author)
No single player missions and SAMP (author)
Пак включает в себя 185 mods:
  1. - Mouse Fix
  2. - Holes from bullets
  3. - GTA IV With Style
  4. - HQLM 2.2
  5. - GTA 5 logo instead of a floppy disk
  6. - FPS Limiter, De-CLEO
  7. - Sounds of Nature
  8. - Working wall clock
  9. - Vapid GTA V Police Car replace Police LV
  10. - A police jeep from GTA V replace Police Ranger
  11. - Rat Loader GTA V replace Walton
  12. - Comet GTA V replace Comet
  13. - Police Buffalo GTA V replace Police LS
  14. - GTA V Tailgater replace Elegant
  15. - Police Maverick from GTA V replace Police Maverick
  16. - GTA V Mañana replace Blade
  17. - Buffalo from GTA V replace Buffalo
  18. - Ballas Girl 3 (GTA) replace ballas1 (id102)
  19. - Ballas Girl 2 (GTA) replace ballas2 (id103)
  20. - Mime (GTA V) replace wmoice (id264)
  21. - Molotov cocktail of GTA 5 replace Molotovs
  22. - Jesus (GTA V) replace male01 (id7)
  23. - Animation of GTA IV v 2.0
  24. - Desert Eagle from GTA 5 replace Desert Eagle
  25. - Cletus (GTA V) replace truth (id1)
  26. - Heavysniper of GTA 5 replace Sniper Rifle
  27. - The parachute of GTA 5 replace Parachute
  28. - Combat shotgun of GTA 5 replace Combat Shotgun
  29. - Zombie (GTA V) replace wmyva2 (id252)
  30. - Mrs Philips (Trevor's Mother) (GTA Iv) replace wfost (id89)
  31. - Wade Hebert (GTA V) replace cesar (id292)
  32. - Air traffic realism 1.0
  33. - Dominator GTA V replace Stallion
  34. - Gauntlet GTA V replace Alpha
  35. - Z-Type GTA V replace Hustler
  36. - 9F GTA V replace Euros
  37. - GTA V Baller Sport replace Huntley
  38. - Carbine Rifle GTA V replace M4
  39. - Picador GTA V replace Picador
  40. - Regina GTA V replace Regina
  41. - Carbonizzare GTA V replace Cheetah
  42. - Adder GTA V damageable v 2. replace Infernus
  43. - Wheel's Pack by VitaliK101
  44. - GTA V Rapid GT Cabrio replace Feltzer
  45. - GTA V Plane Cam
  46. - GTA V Buccanee replace Buccaneer
  47. - GTA V Grotti Turismo (R) replace Turismo
  48. - GTA V Vapid Stanier replace Willard
  49. - GTA V Albany Alpha v1.1 replace Blista Compact
  50. - Nigga (GTA V) replace wmori (id94)
  51. - SWAT GTA V replace swat (id285)
  52. - A Working GTA V replace bmyap (id16)
  53. - Recharging weapons
  54. - Ballas3 (GTA V) replace ballas3 (id104)
  55. - Memory2048
  56. - gta_sa.exe 1.0 us
  57. - Brakedance Ped (GTA V) replace wmyjg (id96)
  58. - Vagos Girl (GTA V) replace sofyst (id226)
  59. - GTA V Voltic replace Hermes
  60. - Stun Gun/Tazer Gun from GTA 5 replace Silenced Pistol
  61. - GTA V Elegy RH8 Twin-Turbo (IVF) replace Elegy
  62. - Bravado Paradise GTA V replace Rumpo
  63. - GTA V Tow Truck Cleaned replace Towtruck
  64. - GTA V Mesa replace Mesa
  65. - GTA V Dinka Jester IVF replace Jester
  66. - Bravado Buffalo S v1.0 GTA V replace Sultan
  67. - Youga GTA V replace Topfun
  68. - GTA V Phoenix replace Phoenix
  69. - Bagger of GTA V replace Wayfarer
  70. - GTAtitles-style trailer 2014 year GTA V.
  71. - BullPup rifle envelope of GTA V replace MP5
  72. - GTA V v2
  73. - Karin Rebel GTA V replace Rancher
  74. - GTA V Stratum replace Stratum
  75. - HD shade of cars and people
  76. - The Hydra of GTA 5 replace Hydra
  77. - SilentPatch 1.1
  78. - Rhino of GTA V replace Rhino
  79. - Grotti Cheetah GTA V replace Banshee
  80. - GTA V Dashound (Fixed Collison) replace Coach
  81. - There is no better way
  82. - GTA V Vigero replace Clover
  83. - GTA V Vapid Police Interceptor replace Police SF
  84. - Aztec (GTA V) replace vla1 (id114)
  85. - Aztec 2 (GTA V) replace vla2 (id115)
  86. - GTA V Intruder replace Intruder
  87. - Grenade of GTA 5 replace Grenades
  88. - First-Person mod v3.0
  89. - GTA V Police Bike replace Police Bike
  90. - Bravado Buffalo S FIB GTA V replace FBI Rancher
  91. - GTA V Tornado replace Tornado
  92. - Buckingham Shamal GTA V replace Shamal
  93. - GTA V Schyster Fusilade replace Flash
  94. - GTA V Repaint: Cargo Plane replace Andromada
  95. - GTA V Stretch replace Stretch
  96. - HD Dodo replace Dodo
  97. - GTA V Hijak Khamelion replace Bloodring
  98. - GTA V Timecyc
  99. - GTA V Overflod Entity XF-v. 2 replace Bullet
  100. - Vapid Minivan (GTA V) replace Solair
  101. - Buzzard Attack Chopper GTA V replace Hunter
  102. - C-130H Hercules "GTA V Titan" replace Nevada
  103. - GTA V Albany Esperanto 1.0 HQLM replace Esperanto
  104. - GTA V Canis Bodhi replace Yosemite
  105. - New TV and Shelf
  106. - Sony PlayStation 4
  107. - GTA V-Trevor with Blue Denim Jacket replace sbmytr3 (id136)
  108. - Cargobob of GTA 5 replace Cargobob
  109. - GTA V Sound's
  110. - Boot screen GTA V
  111. - GTA V Surfer replace Camper
  112. - GTA V Utility Van replace Utility Van
  113. - New Load Screens in The Style of GTA 3 V V.
  114. - ENB only reflect on cars by AndreiKopishev
  115. - GTA V Benson replace Yankee
  116. - GTA V Stockade replace Securicar
  117. - GTA V Enus Cognoscenti Cabrio replace Majestic
  118. - GTA V Styled Radar V2
  119. - GTA V HUD v 0.925-"Next-Gen Edition"
  120. - GTA 5 menu
  121. - Buzzard Attack Chopper (from GTA 5) replace Sparrow
  122. - Female Skin from GTA V Online replace hfyst (id41)
  123. - Franklin of GTA V replace wmybar (id177)
  124. - 3D models of weapons in the ammu-nation
  125. - Minigun of GTA V replace Minigun
  126. - SAMP Graphic Restore
  127. - The real behavior of machine v3.0
  128. - Cabling Yetarian from GTA V replace sbmocd (id220)
  129. - GTA V to Bati for Police replace PCJ-600
  130. - GTA 5 Effects
  131. - iFruit 7 (Michael phone from GTA 5)
  132. - Addon GTA V HUD-Radio
  133. - Pyrotechnics of GTA V replace RPG
  134. - GTA V Declasse Voodoo replace Voodoo
  135. - GTA 5 Sawed-Off Shotgun replace Sawn Off Shotgun
  136. - Superior intelligence police
  137. - Jacket as Michael in the GTA V replace Jean Jacket
  138. - Skybox GTA V
  139. - Dumper from GTA V replace Dumper
  140. - Taxi from GTA V replace Taxi
  141. - Mask Michael GTA V replace Hockey Mask
  142. - Tour Bus of GTA V replace Journey
  143. - Quality glare from the Sun
  144. - Dewbauchee Massacro Racecar GTA V replace Hotring Racer
  145. - Dinka Jester Racear GTA V replace Hotring Racer A
  146. - Karin SARC Kuruma V 2.0 of GTA V replace Admiral
  147. - Hume
  148. - HVY Insurgent Pick-up GTA V replace SWAT
  149. - Imponte Dukes GTA V replace Tampa
  150. - Cheval Marshall GTA V replace Monster B
  151. - Bifta GTA V replace BF Injection
  152. - LSFD Ambulance from GTA V replace Ambulance
  153. - Albany Virgo GTA V replace Virgo
  154. - Coil Brawler GTA V replace Uranus
  155. - Franklin House of GTA V
  156. - GTA V Vapid Slamvan replace Slamvan
  157. - New face and hair texture Si Dj
  158. - GTA V Rusty Tractor replace Tractor
  159. - GTA V Gang Members Families (fam3) replace fam3 (id107)
  160. - GTA V Pump Shotgun (New camouflage Lowrider DLC) replace Shotgun
  161. - GTA V machete (Lowrider DLC) replace Knife
  162. - GTA V Franklin Timber v2 replace Gray Boots
  163. - Aim Zoom
  164. - Original Beach from GTA V
  165. - GTA V Markers (v. 1.0)
  166. - GTA V Sea Plane replace Skimmer
  167. - GTA V Duster replace Crop Duster
  168. - GTA V Velum replace Beagle
  169. - Trevor T-shirt GTA V replace White T-Shirt
  170. - GTA V Whippet Race Bike replace Mountain Bike
  171. - GTA V Cruiser Bike replace BMX
  172. - GTA V Declasse Mamba replace Windsor
  173. - GTA V Bravado Verlierer replace Fortune
  174. - GTA V Sprunk Sanchez replace Sanchez
  175. - GTA V Declasse Cabbie replace Cabbie
  176. - Bazooka GTA V Online DLC v2 replace Missile Launcher
  177. - Greenwood GTA V ImVehFt replace Greenwood
  178. - Super GT GTA V ImVehFt replace Super GT
  179. - The original vegetation quality v3
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