This folder contains various winter fashion.
Here is a list of mods: Winter mod-full version;
The sounds of crows;
Snowfall-enable Ctrl +;
Snow tires;
Albany NY Emperor of GTA 5;
Steam from his mouth;
Ice 2-not on the roads slippery.
Clothing: winter jacket-replaces the white t-shirt;
Winter boots-replaces brown shoes;
Winter Cap-replaces caps a peddler;
Winter denim jacket-replaces jeans jacket;
Denim jeans-replaces the blue jeans;
Wear a bandana can be key 0;
Change clothes, you can key 3;
As well as added;
Billboards of Gta 5;
Improved Vehicle Features 2.1.1;
Headlights of GTA 5;
Sound when braking car;
Backpack-replaces the parachute.