
VehFuncs v2.3 for GTA San Andreas

VehFuncs v2.3 for GTA San Andreas
VehFuncs v2.3 for GTA San Andreas miniature 1
VehFuncs v2.3 for GTA San Andreas video 1
VehFuncs v2.3 for GTA San Andreas video 2
VehFuncs v2.3 for GTA San Andreas video 3
VehFuncs v2.3 for GTA San Andreas video 4
VehFuncs v2.3 for GTA San Andreas miniature 2 VehFuncs v2.3 for GTA San Andreas miniature 3
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Published on 6 December 2022

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This ASI plugin greatly expands the possibilities for the creators of models of cars, motorcycles and other vehicles, allowing you to realize the wildest desires. The latest and corrected version of the ASI plugin!
– This ASI plugin only works on ADAPTED models!
For the correct operation of the modification, the following are required:
– gta_sa.exe US 1.0;
– CLEO 4.4.0 (or higher);
– Mod Loader 0.3.8 (or higher).
As you know, San Andreas has an "Extra" system, that is, elements that may differ from one car model. For example, a Patriot car can have both a closed trunk (indoor) and a fully open one.
However, the game has a limit on the number of extras, about 2-3 pcs. (correct me if I'm wrong).
But the notorious modmaker Junior_Djjr just spat on it by creating VehFuncs. Now new models of transport can contain different configurations, just like in real life! Isn't this the dream of any car enthusiast?
If you still don't understand what I'm talking about, then I'll explain using the example of BMW cars. For example, you are installing a BMW E39 model with an adaptation for VehFuncs. And it can be either regular (5-Series) in various configurations (520i, 525i, 528i, etc.), or in the M5 version! Let me remind you, this is ONE model that can completely visually change, starting from bumpers and rims, ending with interior elements, nameplates, spoilers and other visual elements. And it's all thanks to VehFuncs!
But this is not all the possibilities of VehFuncs. What else is there?
– The ability to create a VIBRATING muffler when the engine is running;
– The ability to create a VIBRATING engine, which looks especially great on V8 and V12, just open the hood;
– The ability to create functioning "blind" headlights, like the legendary cars of the 80s and 90s (BMW 8-Series E31, Ferrari F-40, Lamborghini Diablo, Mazda MX-5, Mazda RX-7, Nissan 180SX/240SX and others);
– The ability to create a rising and falling spoiler at a speed similar to sports cars of the last 10-15 years;
– The ability to create folding mirrors when parking, as on modern cars;
– Working steering wheel (both for cars and motorcycles), speedometer, odometer, tachometer, wipers;
– Working footrest for motorcycles;
– Working accelerator pedals.
Author:  Junior_Djjr
Author`s site:

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