
Security cameras in DYOM for GTA San Andreas

Security cameras in DYOM for GTA San Andreas
Камеры видеонаблюдения в DYOM for GTA San Andreas miniature 1 Камеры видеонаблюдения в DYOM for GTA San Andreas miniature 2 Камеры видеонаблюдения в DYOM for GTA San Andreas miniature 3 Камеры видеонаблюдения в DYOM for GTA San Andreas miniature 4
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Published on 30 August 2020

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This script adds working security cameras for DYOM missions to the game.
They can be placed as regular objects (ID 1886) via DYOM#.
Cameras operate within a 25-unit radius. When a player is detected in the field of view, the red indicator lights up on the camera and a beep sounds. The player will have some time to hide. If the player remains in the camera's field of view, the mission will fail.
You can configure some camera functions in the Security Camera.ini settings file:
ROTATION-camera rotation
TIME - the time that is given to the player to hide after detection
SOUND-camera sound when a player is detected
1) the Cameras must be positioned at a 90-degree angle, i.e. in the standard position. If you tilt them, they will detect the player's location incorrectly or will not detect it at all.
2) it is not recommended to put the cameras close to each other, because if a player is detected by one camera, the second one will not work while the red indicator is on the first one.
Author:  SIZZZ
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