
SkyGfx v4.2b Extended v1.4 for GTA San Andreas

SkyGfx v4.2b   Extended v1.4 for GTA San Andreas
SkyGfx v4.2b + Extended v1.4 for GTA San Andreas miniature 1 SkyGfx v4.2b + Extended v1.4 for GTA San Andreas miniature 2 SkyGfx v4.2b + Extended v1.4 for GTA San Andreas miniature 3 SkyGfx v4.2b + Extended v1.4 for GTA San Andreas miniature 4 SkyGfx v4.2b + Extended v1.4 for GTA San Andreas miniature 5 SkyGfx v4.2b + Extended v1.4 for GTA San Andreas miniature 6
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Published on 16 August 2022

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Updated 22.07.22 16:37
Fixed erroneously activated stochastic on the landscape texture.
Updated 17.07.22 14:45
Fixed additional textures not using "zwriteThreshold" from the previous version.
Fixed erroneously activated stochastic on the texture under the SF bridge.
Now the graphics setup for PC really goes with everything disabled.
Updated 06.09.22 15:30
Reconfigured file "texdb.txt ", since duplicates were found, so some textures without detail maps were fixed. And the stochastic was removed from the sown area of wheat, since it was incorrect.
Now "skygfx2.ini" comes with "radiosity=PS2" by default. If you have an external video card installed on your PC, select "radiosity=Shader", as this gives the best results.
Updated 20.04.22 04:00
Added "envMapFarClipMult" increasing vehicle reflections to capture more distant objects, decreasing to improve performance in exchange for fewer objects in reflections (for VehiclePipe Neo, LCS, VCS, Env, Mobile).
Updated 22.03.22 15:38
Correction of transparency now does not cause errors in the texts of road signs .
To file "texdb.txt " the "dualPass" and "zwriteThreshold" parameters have been added, which allows you to adjust the transparency of each individual texture.
Fixed the "radar scan" texture inside Zone 69.
Fixed a bug that caused the stochastic shader to activate on the wrong texture.
Updated 03.02.22 17:25
Now "buildingPipe" goes as "PS2" by default, since "Xbox" causes a lot of errors.
Fixed some incorrect detail maps (mobile version error), for example, in the hills of Madd Dogg Mansion.
The .ini files are organized differently, and by default the graphics for the PC will be improved.
SkyGFX is a mod that transfers graphics from PS2, Xbox, LCS, VCS and Mobile to PC
The mod is highly recommended for those who have a bad PC and need a graphics mod that does not slow down.
Or just feel the classic style (PS2), or modern style (mobile version)...Or mix it all up!
It is also useful for correcting GTA graphics errors .
For example, correcting the transparency of trees and other objects.
SkyGFX includes reflections for cars from "PS2", "Xbox", "Spec", "Neo", "LCS", "VCS", "Mobile" and "Env":
"Neo", "Mobile" and "Env" are real—time reflections that are realistic reflect the map around. Much better and lighter than the ENB series. In SkyGFX Extended, you can have reflections that capture more or less detail (for better performance).
Author:  Junior_Djjr, Silent, ThirteenAG, DexX, NTAuthority, aap (The Hero)
This mod required:
Moderators: ChrisRedfield

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