
SA-MP Drift Mod Pack for GTA San Andreas

SA-MP Drift Mod Pack for GTA San Andreas
SA-MP Drift Mod Pack  miniature 1 SA-MP Drift Mod Pack  miniature 2 SA-MP Drift Mod Pack  miniature 3 SA-MP Drift Mod Pack  miniature 4 SA-MP Drift Mod Pack  miniature 5 SA-MP Drift Mod Pack  miniature 6
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Published on 18 April 2020

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For anybody not a secret that in addition to the RolePlay servers, players SA-MP was and continues to be a popular variety entertainment servers, including focused solely on the drift.

Oddly enough, but using standard Elegy and infinite nitro, you can give a very beautiful drifts (and quite difficult-ongoing) seasoning is different stunt elements.

This Assembly is designed just for drift servers, since it does not contain anything superfluous.

- Added HD roads for the entire state;
- Added high-quality vegetation ("BSOR: Five Stars");
- Added standard skins, but with HD textures.
- Added: HD is a standard card, menu, cursor, interface SA-MP;
- Added HD loading screens, including for SA-MP;
- Added HD wheels ("FM3 Wheels Pack");
- Added more high-quality sapphires Elegy ("Elegy Drophead");
- Added new animation from GTA IV;
- Added CLEO script that increases the range of drawing machines and skins;
- Added CLEO script that adds the rotated wheel when exiting the car (no effect on drift);
- Added CLEO script to disable the effects of heat;
- Added HD "Particle.txd";
- Added HD "Vehicle.txd";
- Added HD rails;
- Added HD icons standard weapons;
- Added SilentPatch;
- Added original gta_sa.exe 1.0 US removed the limit on 2GB.

Attention! For the operation of the Assembly is required only PURE PLAY PRE-INSTALLED SA-MP (AND a CRACK Team SandtL 2.0).

All that is necessary for the operation of the Assembly ALREADY SEWN IT!

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