
Official PC-Remastered for GTA San Andreas

Official PC-Remastered for GTA San Andreas
Official PC-Remastered  miniature 1 Official PC-Remastered  miniature 2 Official PC-Remastered  miniature 3 Official PC-Remastered  miniature 4 Official PC-Remastered  miniature 5
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Published on 4 June 2019

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Wondered whether you ever this question, how would it look official Remastered on PC? I, like many other fans of this game, very much interested in this question, and now, after quite a long time, I share with you my version of Remastering. By the way, if you ask why the "Official", I'll tell you — don't wait in this Assembly, any new, high quality textures, models, effects. No, none of that here. The purpose of this Assembly is to repair bugs, bugs and also improved visual component, including the full processing interface, but in the PS3/Xbox360/Mobile version.

- Added original gta_sa.exe 1.0 US;
- Added Mod Loader (v0.3.8);
- Added MoonLoader (v0.2.6);
- Added CLEO 4.3.22;
- Added SilentPatch v1.1 (Build 29);
- Added ASI-plugin SA:MP Graphic Restore;
- Added ASI plugin No Shadows (Shadows PS2 version);
- Added ASI plugin Black Roads Fix;
- Added full gamepad support (Has HD icons from Xbox360 and PS3 in the Models folder. The default icons from Xbox360);
- Added many other ASI plugins and CLEO scripts, the purpose of which is to fix the flaws of the PC version;
- Added HD textures for Kendall and OG Loc;
- Added HD textures of vegetation;
- Added HD textures for some objects;
- Added HD textures money;
- Added HD textures of the disk;
- Added HD textures of tattoos;
- Added HD models fingers for CJ and story characters (only in the cut-scenes);
- Added HD textures for the map, menu, radar, icons, cursor, boot screen;
- Added HD textures interface SA:MP;
- Fixed texture the soles of some models of shoes;
- Added features from the PS2 version, namely, the larger the sun, and the ability to destroy the statues in the Atrium.

Attention! We recommend the following installation order:
1. Install a CLEAN game, it is desirable that no cut folder Audio.
2. Install SA:MP 0.3.7.
3. Install crack Smarter''s Localization v2.0 (during installation select "Partial localization").
4. Install mod-pack.
Moderators: ChrisRedfield
Пак включает в себя 63 mods:
  1. - Memory2048
  2. - Samp Gui + Mouse
  3. - gta_sa.exe 1.0 us
  4. - Steady turn wheels
  5. - SAMP Graphic Restore
  6. - Hand c-Jay from GTA SA Mobile
  7. - The texture of the fences of GTA SA Mobile
  8. - Damaged cars from GTA SA Mobile
  9. - Textures of mini-games and icons radio from GTA SA Mobile
  10. - The texture of the screen all schools and their icons from GTA SA Mobile
  11. - Skin Jeffrey from GTA SA Mobile replace ogloc (id293)
  12. - Skin Kendle from GTA SA Mobile replace kendl (id65)
  13. - Many textures from GTA SA Mobile
  14. - HD icons weapons from GTA SA Mobile
  15. - New machines and dumbbells from GTA SA Mobile
  16. - Characters from GTA SA Mobile screensavers
  17. - HQ textures for two slot machines
  18. - No Shadows
  19. - Mobile Tatoo for PC
  20. - PS2 object.dat for PC
  21. - Open Limit Adjuster v1.5.4
  22. - Black Road Fix ASI
  23. - Water Quadrant Fix
  24. - Disabling effects of heat
  25. - Remastered Vanilla Graffiti HQ
  26. - Sun from PS2
  27. - Deleting zeros from the interface
  28. - Original Palms HD Leaf Texture (Low PC)
  29. - MoonLoader v. 021-alpha
  30. - Samp Grass
  31. - Loadscreens Remastered (HD)
  32. - Fixed Shoes (Texture)
  33. - CLEO 4.3.22
  34. - Rotate The Throw Fix
  35. - GInputSA v1.11 (new icons v. 2)
  36. - Peds Hands Up Fix v2.0.3
  37. - Fix Car Fire on the Water v1.0.2
  38. - Walk Targeting Fix
  39. - Animation Fix 1.5
  40. - Police and Taxi Fix
  41. - SilentPatch v1.1 Build 29
  42. - HD Cursor
  43. - HD Floppy
  44. - Plane Explode Fix
  45. - Ped Fire Fix - the Burning pedestrians
  46. - Pedy scared when aiming the RPG
  47. - No Cinematic Screen – Remove black bars of the camera in the cutscenes
  48. - Smoke in factory pipes
  49. - Pedestrians will be afraid of the burning car
  50. - Gangster SWAT Fix
  51. - Fastman92 Limit Adjuster
  52. - Mod Loader 0.3.8
  53. - The qualitative structure of the scrap from the machine
  54. - Ped Spec Illumination (PC, Xbox, PS2 Settings)
  55. - Ped Attract Fix
  56. - No Agressive Drivers
  57. - Taxi Light Fix
  58. - Ambient Taxi
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