
Essential Enhanced San Andreas 1.2 (Single Version) for GTA San Andreas

Essential Enhanced San Andreas 1.2 (Single Version) for GTA San Andreas
Essential Enhanced San Andreas 1.2 (Single Version)  miniature 1 Essential Enhanced San Andreas 1.2 (Single Version)  miniature 2 Essential Enhanced San Andreas 1.2 (Single Version)  miniature 3 Essential Enhanced San Andreas 1.2 (Single Version)  miniature 4 Essential Enhanced San Andreas 1.2 (Single Version)  miniature 5 Essential Enhanced San Andreas 1.2 (Single Version)  miniature 6 Essential Enhanced San Andreas 1.2 (Single Version)  miniature 7 Essential Enhanced San Andreas 1.2 (Single Version)  miniature 8 Essential Enhanced San Andreas 1.2 (Single Version)  miniature 9 Essential Enhanced San Andreas 1.2 (Single Version)  miniature 10 Essential Enhanced San Andreas 1.2 (Single Version)  miniature 11 Essential Enhanced San Andreas 1.2 (Single Version)  miniature 12 Essential Enhanced San Andreas 1.2 (Single Version)  miniature 13 Essential Enhanced San Andreas 1.2 (Single Version)  miniature 14 Essential Enhanced San Andreas 1.2 (Single Version)  miniature 15 Essential Enhanced San Andreas 1.2 (Single Version)  miniature 16 Essential Enhanced San Andreas 1.2 (Single Version)  miniature 17 Essential Enhanced San Andreas 1.2 (Single Version)  miniature 18 Essential Enhanced San Andreas 1.2 (Single Version)  miniature 19 Essential Enhanced San Andreas 1.2 (Single Version)  miniature 20
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Published on 17 July 2023

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A large collection of mods, the purpose of which is to fix almost all the bugs of the PC version of the game, as well as add some improvements. At the same time, there are no mods that have changed the gameplay or atmosphere in any way. This build has everything you need for a comfortable game in 2023 and for installing other modifications.
- There are 2 versions of the build: "Single Version" - fixes a lot of bugs in a single game, in SA-MP this version will not work! In the build version for SA-MP ("SA-MP Version"), many bugs of the game have also been fixed, but CLEO scripts and ASI plugins have been removed, which fix the bugs of the single-player game. This is done to minimize possible "departures" of SA-MP and so that you do not have advantages over other players.
What is included in the assembly:
1. Mods required for other mods to work properly:
- "gta_sa.exe us 1.0 4GB";
- "CLEO 4.4.0";
- "CLEO v1.1.3 (CLEOPlus v1.1.3)";
- "Fastman92 Limit Adjuster";
- "Mod Loader 0.3.8";
- "MoonLoader v.026";
- "ModdedSAA";
- "Memory2048";
- "NoDEP (Disable DEP)";
- "RunDLL32.exe Fix (Update 27.10.2020)";
- "SAMP Graphic Restore" (available only in "SA-MP Version");
- "SilentPatch v1.1 Build 32".
2. Mods that fix PC version bugs:
- "Black Road Fix ASI";
- "Cutscene Weapons Fix" (removed in "SA-MP Version");
- "Drive Thru Cutscene Fix" (removed in "SA-MP Version");
- "Desert Sheriff Fix v1.01" (removed in "SA-MP Version");
- "Escalator Physics Fix" (removed in "SA-MP Version");
- "Extra Colors On Paintjob Fix";
- "Framerate Vigilante Fix";
- "Fix Car Fire on the Water v1.0.2";
- "Gamma Fix";
- "Gangster SWAT Fix" (removed in "SA-MP Version");
- "Gangster Walk Fix" (removed in "SA-MP Version");
- "Gangster Crouch Fix" (removed in "SA-MP Version");
- "Helicopter Fix" (removed in "SA-MP Version");
- "Male01" Fix v2.0" (removed in "SA-MP Version");
- "Missing Smokes Fix" (removed in "SA-MP Version");
- "Police and Taxi Fix" (removed in "SA-MP Version");
- "Plane Explode Fix";
- "Ped Run Fix v2.2" (removed in "SA-MP Version");
- "Ped Fire Fix v1.1" (removed in "SA-MP Version");
- "Peds Dont Drown Fix" (removed in "SA-MP Version");
- "Ped Fear Fix v.2.0.2 (Update from 12/30/20)" (removed in "SA-MP Version");
- "Rain Audio Fix (new sounds for rain)";
- "Rain Noise Fix";
- "Rain Extinguish Fire Fix";
- "Real Traffic Fix v2.2" (removed in "SA-MP Version");
- "Spread Fix" (removed in "SA-MP Version");
- "Sky Gradient Fix";
- "Stowaway Mission Weapons Fix" (removed in "SA-MP Version");
- "Throw Rotate Fix";
- "Taxi Light Fix v1.05";
- "Water Quadrant Fix";
- "Walk Targeting Fix" (removed in "SA-MP Version");
- "Widescreen Fix (ASI Version)" (removed in "SA-MP Version").
3. Other mods that fix some elements of the game:
- "Exhaust Tweaker v1.1";
- "GFXHack 1.12";
- "GInputSA v1.11 (New Icons v.2)";
- "Different Gangs v2.0" (removed in "SA-MP Version");
- "Low Mass Peds" (removed in "SA-MP Version");
- "Ped Spec Illumination (PC, Xbox, PS2 Settings)";
- "Working Trailers Brake Lights";
- "Wanted Star for attacking a corpse" (removed in "SA-MP Version");
- "Melee weapon strike sound v.1.1";
- "Wheels turned when leaving the car";
- "Cops react to death like in GTA VC" (removed in "SA-MP Version");
- "Working sun in SA-MP" (available only in "SA-MP Version");
- "Working radars at airports as in GTA VC";
- "Reaction of pedos to blown up cars as in GTA VC v2" (removed in "SA-MP Version");
- "Increasing the drawing of cars and pedos."
4. Mods that correct textures and models:
- "Map Textures Fix v3.5";
- "Fort Carson's 24/7 Fix";
- "Liberty City House Fix";
- "Various Textures Fix";
- "Windmill Textures Fix";
- "Pre-Lighting Fixes Pack";
- "Prop Vehicles Project v1.1";
- "Standard Vehicles Fixes Pack";
- "Collision for a pirate ship";
- "Working fog lamps";
- "Fixed columns (Mod Loader)";
- "Fixed building collisions";
- "Fix car shaking";
- "3D Models of people in stadiums (Mod Loader)".
5. Other mods, including fixes for animations:
- "Animation Fix v1.5 & M4k3's Vehicles Animations";
- "No Aggressive Drivers" (removed in "SA-MP Version");
- "PS2 object.dat for PC".
6. Characters from GTA: SA Mobile/Xbox 360/PS3 versions, both in cut scenes and in the game (these mods are removed in the "SA-MP Version")!
Moderators: AndreiKopishev
Пак включает в себя 105 mods:
  1. - PS2 object.dat for PC
  2. - Black Road Fix ASI
  3. - Water Quadrant Fix
  4. - MoonLoader v. 021-alpha
  5. - Fixed Shoes (Texture)
  6. - Rotate The Throw Fix
  7. - GInputSA v1.11 (new icons v. 2)
  8. - Fix Car Fire on the Water v1.0.2
  9. - Walk Targeting Fix
  10. - Pedov reaction to the car exploded as in GTA VC v2
  11. - Police and Taxi Fix
  12. - Working with lights
  13. - Plane Explode Fix
  14. - Gangster SWAT Fix
  15. - Fastman92 Limit Adjuster
  16. - Mod Loader 0.3.8
  17. - Ped Spec Illumination (PC, Xbox, PS2 Settings)
  18. - Ped Attract Fix
  19. - No Agressive Drivers
  20. - ModdedSAA
  21. - Gangster Walk Fix
  22. - 3D Models of people in the stadiums (Mod Loader)
  23. - Fixed columns (Mod Loader)
  24. - Extra Colors On The Paintjob Fix
  25. - GFXHack 1.12
  26. - Rain Audio Fix (new sounds for rain)
  27. - Clean gta_sa.exe us 1.0 4GB and more
  28. - Star wanted for the attack on the corpse
  29. - Ryder cutscene SA Mobile skin replace ryder2
  30. - Sweet cutscene SA Mobile skin replace sweet (id270)
  31. - Big Smoke cutscene SA Mobile Skin replace smoke (id269)
  32. - Tenpenny cutscene skin SA Mobile replace tenpen (id265)
  33. - Pulaski cutscene skin from SA Mobile replace pulaski (id266)
  34. - Cesar cutscene skin from Mobile Version replace cesar (id292)
  35. - Kendall of cutscenes mobile version replace kendl (id65)
  36. - Mad Dogg cutscene SA Mobile replace maddogg (id297)
  37. - Mike Toreno cutscene SA Mobile replace torino (id295)
  38. - Hernandez cutscene skin from Mobile Version replace hern (id267)
  39. - Truth cutscene skin from Mobile Version replace truth (id1)
  40. - Catalina cutscene skin from Mobile Version replace cat (id298)
  41. - Emmet cutscene skin SA Mobile replace emmet (id6)
  42. - Tbone Mendez cutscene skin from Mobile Version replace tbone (id273)
  43. - The cutscene Og Loc skin in SA Mobile replace ogloc (id293)
  44. - Ken Rosenberg cutscene SA Mobile replace rose (id290)
  45. - Jethro cutscene skin SA Mobile replace jethro (id42)
  46. - Zero cutscene skin SA Mobile replace zero (id289)
  47. - Dwayne cutscene skin SA Mobile replace dwayne (id268)
  48. - Cutscene Kent Paul skin SA Mobile replace paul (id291)
  49. - Bmost skin cutscene SA Mobile replace maccer (id2)
  50. - Jizzy cutscene skin SA Mobile replace jizzy (id296)
  51. - Cutscene Big Bear skin SA Mobile replace bbthin (id4)
  52. - WuZi Mu custcene skin SA Mobile replace wuzimu (id294)
  53. - Janitor cutscene skin SA Mobile replace janitor (id8)
  54. - Sindaco custcene skin SA Mobile replace sindaco (id119)
  55. - Fix collision of buildings
  56. - Conflict for a pirate ship
  57. - Taxi Light Fix v1.05
  58. - Desert Sheriff Fix v1.01
  59. - Gangster Crouch Fix
  60. - Indifferent Gangs v2.0
  61. - "Male01" Fix v2.0
  62. - Cops react to death as in GTA VC
  63. - Working radars at airports as in GTA VC
  64. - Cutscene Weapons Fix
  65. - Stowaway Mission Weapons Fix
  66. - Exhaust Tweaker v1.1
  67. - Low Mass Peds
  68. - CLEO 4.4.0
  69. - Fix for shaking cars
  70. - Melee weapon impact sound v. 1. 1
  71. - Rain Noise Fix
  72. - Ped Fear Fix v. 2. 0. 2 (Updated on 30.12.20)
  73. - Peds Dont Drown Fix
  74. - Spread Fix
  75. - RunDLL32.exe Fix (Update 27.10.2020)
  76. - NoDEP (Disable DEP)
  77. - Escalator Physics Fix
  78. - Map Textures Fix v3.5
  79. - Widescreen Fix (ASI Version)
  80. - Sky Gradient Fix
  81. - Pre-Lighting Fixes Pack
  82. - SilentPatch v1.1 Build 32
  83. - Rain Extinguish Fire Fix
  84. - Helicopter Fix
  85. - Framerate Vigilante Fix
  86. - Standard Vehicles Fixes Pack
  87. - Real Traffic Fix v2.2
  88. - Drive Thru Cutscene Fix
  89. - Animation Fix v1.5 & M4k3's Vehicles Animations
  90. - Missing Smokes Fix
  91. - Ped Fire Fix v1.1
  92. - Ped Run Fix v2.2
  93. - Various Textures Fix
  94. - Fort Carson's 24/7 Fix
  95. - Liberty City House Fix
  96. - Windmill Textures Fix
  97. - Gamma Fix
  98. - CLEO v1.1.3 (CLEOPlus v1.1.3)
  99. - Working Trailers Brake Lights
  100. - Prop Vehicles Project v1.1
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